The Pro Stroke golf training aid is designed to improve your start line, alignment and stroke path.
Missed puts can be boiled down to a couple of major issues:
1. Open/Closed clubface at impact
2. Swing path is too open or closed in the stroke.
3. Length & Speed of stroke
The Pro Stroke trainer is designed to help you with all of the above!
It looks easy doesn't it? Make a couple of deliberate strokes with the Pro Stroke and believe me, it's humbling!
How does it work?
1. If the putter hits the Pro Stroke Alignment Trainer on the way back - Your path is too in-to-out, typically resulting in a push(missing to the right of the hole due to the open path or an open club face).
2. If the putter hits the Pro Stroke Alignment Trainer during your follow through - Your Path is too out-to-in, typically resulting in a pull(missing to the left of the hole due to the closed path or a closed club face).
3. Add some Tee pegs to the holes to create a consistent back stroke & follow through which will help with the first two points.
Make life easier with a dependable and consistent stroke. There's a reason the pros love this.
Compatible with SD-34 The Pro Mat and included in the Seed Putting trainer Bundle.